10 Social Media Tips That Will Assure Small Businesses Big Success!

The internet. One of the most used commodities in the world today. Assisting us in our daily activities from communication to ordering clothes, information to work. Everything we do today is tied to the internet and is digital!
You know what else runs on the internet? Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube and this list goes on!
To keep up with the times our markets and businesses are now virtual, and so are promoting them
If you are a business owner who has always been struggling to get your head around social media we’re here to help you with our Top 10 Social Media Tips For Small Businesses.
In order to get the messages of your product or service out in the open to be noticed by the right crowd, starting off with the main objectives of your company will get the attention of potential customers. This drives traffic to your junction allowing the number of people who have knowledge of your business to increase. As the word spreads, so does your business!
Not everyone gets heard on social media because they aren’t saying the right things, the right way. When addressing your business or what you do, holding a note of authority in your words often gets the reader’s attention. No, not like hitler. Use words that will capture the curiosity of your reader. Be original.
The algorithm that facebook uses, rewards posts that have interaction. If you post something but no one responds, then Facebook won’t show it to anyone. Keeping the crowd interested and being accommodating gives you a more ‘likeable’ factor that keeps you on the map.
The key is to ask questions and respond to the answers. A car dealer could post a picture of someone buying their first car and, sure, it’s interesting enough. But if they turn around and ask people, ‘What was your first car?’ they have a chance to get people to answer, and then they can respond. Now, to that person who answered the question, it’s not a car dealer, it’s a car dealer who knows his first car.
The most important thing about social media is that it’s not just about you! Social media is not a monologue where you tell the world about the awards you’ve won, or the special deals on your products and services. It’s an opportunity for you to connect, in a meaningful way, with the people who have helped you and supported you in business. If you think about the 10 to 20 most important people in your business world, social media allows you to recognize and thank them for helping you along the way. You can thank them by giving recognition to their posts and tweets: like, follow, and share their messages. It’s your way of saying thank you. More importantly, they will appreciate the gesture and continue to support your efforts.
Being original on Social Media is crucial to the kind of recognition that you get. People are always looking for something new and fresh, and nothing screams new and fresh like you! You as an individual are unique and one of a kind. This will set you apart from every other business out there. Creating content that speaks true to what you are providing in terms of service or products, keeps you the only you on the market!
Being on Social Media is one thing, staying on Social Media is another.
You need to keep your goals in sight, and refrain from getting side-tracked. This require the investment of time and revenue to keep the show going. If you can see the goal, claim it!
Find out where your target customers spends time online. Then pick one social platform and dominate on that one. Claim your profiles on the other networks, but focus most of your time on that one. Listen to where the traffic is heading, and follow it. You need to be ‘friend-raising’ online. Like we say, ‘Be sweet, retweet.’
Planning your social media activities, allows you to post consistently,and get more consistent results. Create a strategy and actually get better results with less time and effort. You can determine which activities to automate and which to assign, whether that’s to an employee or contractor. Never be afraid to ask for help!
Be capturing! Everybody likes colour and creative things. This gets the attention of your reader’s, to get through more than just your headline.
Attention spans are short so be sure to add photos and videos to your social content. It will boost engagement and is perfect for businesses with products to show off. If you have a service-based business, consider a photo with words or a photo that complements your text. And don’t overlook visually-oriented platforms like Instagram and Pinterest!
One mistake that every small business makes is the attempt to do everything themselves. Creatives and analytics alike. With the growing online Markets and Services, we have a sector of agencies that deal the creative aspect of the business. It is not wrong to need or ask for help. Individuals with years of experience and speciality in the creative field of work can be alloted the innovative area of your business to allow you to keep your ideas consistent and conservative. Hiring an Ad Agency or A Digital Marketing Company to assist you on your journey is the best option as you can then concentrate on your core business!
And that’s where we come in, we help you to set up & grow your online presence at lesser than the cost of a full time designer & social media manager!
So what are you waiting for? Contact us today and get a FREE social media consultation, just because you took the trouble to read this long post!