Content Marketing For Small Businesses

In today’s virtual marketing world, you need some kind of blog to get your business ranked on Google. To get a higher rank, you need to choose the right keywords and place them throughout your site. But there’s so much more to Content Marketing than that.
Let’s take a look at some of the key differentiators between an okay small business content marketing campaign and a great one!
Blogs are a big part of content for a company, as people tend to open the first few results that come up in a search with keywords.
Diversifying your content marketing portfolio, will enhance the overall content and give you’re expected results a boost.
Much like your retirement portfolio, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, or you risk losing money if something goes wrong.
In order to diversify your content marketing strategies, thinking about other ways to publish your content will have with a larger audience and an increase in viewing rates.
Let’s talk about some of the different ways that you can share your content!
Videos are a large part of Content Marketing today. And the largest platform that has over 1 billion viewer’s every day, is YouTube. That’s a lot of eyeballs!
If you create content that the public can relate to, or enjoy, for example; the popular ‘unboxing’ videos that are trending.
This attracts individuals who could be potential clients for you.
White papers, EBooks and Infographics. Offering content on any of these platforms help you establish authority, in the sense it lets you speak more deeply on a topic and offer real insights to people who are looking for advice. And a bonus point would be the ability to ‘gate’ reader’s with the email capture form, and voila! Progress already.
Request an email address from anyone who wants to download, and you’ve suddenly got a lead with real interest in your area of expertise!
On the flip side, infographics help you break up a lot of information into more snackable statistics that users can then share via social, or cite in their own content.
Podcasts are another way to reach a larger more promising audience. Particularly if your customer base is younger, podcasts are a great way to reach potential customers, and reach them beyond your own borders.
Other types of content: Of course, the kind of content you create is all going to depend on your audience and your business. Depending on who you are, you can experiment with comics, GIFs, or Spotify-like playlists.
The key is to tap into your audience’s needs and preferred method of consuming content.
For more information on content marketing, give us a call at: +919986373225 or drop us message on Facebook / Instagram or mail us at: to get a free consultation to build your company’s content marketing strategy!
Great tool! I am using a redirect plugin to send all my 404’s to my home page but I think it’s slacking sometimes. I noticed that some other sites have taken over my 404’s somehow.
This is a useful post for finding broken links within the website, what about links pointing outwards that are broken? I can use a free web service but wondered if this was possible.